Lead Testing

Why is it a concern?
Lead is a toxic substance known to cause adverse health outcomes. Exposure to high levels of lead can result in severe illness. The Center for Disease Control notes that no level of lead exposure or lead in the body is safe for children.
Other sources: Government of Canada or Center for Disease Control.
How to Submit a Sample
Lead can be found in various materials, such as paint chips, dust, children’s toys and jewelry. For more information on sources see CDC Sources of Lead. The following is information on how to submit your sample for lead analysis, if you need any assistance please call our office at (519)-642-1122. You will need:
- A completed OSHTECH-Inc.-Chain-of-Custody. The Sample Identification is how you describe the submitted material for your future use. For example, a paint chip from living room. The analysis requested is Lead.
- Each sample should be sealed in separate zip-lock bag.
- Your items can be shipped or delivered to one of our locations.
Call us at (519)-642-1122 or email at [email protected] for information on pricing. We accept Direct Deposit, Interac e-Transfer, MasterCard & Visa, (cash or debit can also be used at our London location).