Personal Sampling of Small Mold Spores Using Slit Cassettes
“Personal Sampling of Small Mold Spores Using Slit Cassettes” by PJ Pityn and J Anderson. J Allergy & Clin Immunol, March 2011
OSHTECH principal, Peter Pityn, asks for colleagues and professionals to adopt sound protocol when investigating marijuana grow ops. A written opinion with colleague Ernest Sullivan expresses concern about the lack of accountability among professionals when dealing with grow ops.
EA Sullivan and PJ Pityn, “Ethics & Professional Judgment in Grow-Op Remediation.” Published in OH Forum, Summer 2013, Vol.36, #3.
A study conducted by OSHTECH and published in the Journal of Environmental Science and Health investigates techniques for mold sampling.
The study produced some interesting and unexpected findings which have broad implications. For more information on “Air Sampling of Mold Spores by Slit Impactors: Yield Comparison” by Peter Pityn and James Anderson visit the Journal of Environmental Science & Health (Part A). V48, pp 1485-1490. 2013. The on-line version can be viewed by accessing […]